Triscombe Nurseries

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm

Saturday: 9am-1pm

Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays



It is nearly impossible to catalogue all the shrubs, climbers, conifers, roses and ornamental trees we grow at Triscombe. The list is endless and includes many unusual varieties We also specialise in open ground native trees hedging plants during the dormant season.

An enormous range of herbaceous perennials are grown in the central part of the Nursery and our stock borders are a delight to the eye during the summer months We specialise in propagation, pollination and culture of fruit trees and soft fruit bushes can therefore offer a wide choice Rock plants and alpines have been grown at Triscombe since the Nursery started in the late 1950's. We continue to raise a very large selection, adding new varieties all the time.
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